The color of New Hampshire

Ahhhh. This just makes me wanna cozy up by a warm fireplace with apple cider donuts watching Gilmore Girls.

This folks, is truly the color of New Hampshire in early October. It is not edited to look this orange.

While I was on my first ever roadtrip with my friend Hannah, we had made it to the sweet state of New Hampshire… anddd we stayed there 3 hours longer than we planned. But not purposefully, no no, we got lost.

When you hear the songs and rumors (Paul Revere by Noah Kahan) talk about the construction constantly taking place in NH, we came to find out how true that is. We got rerouted so many times, that we think our GPS got lost too. We resorted to using our phones as paper maps, following the streets we were driving and making turns directing us Northeast, since the goal was to end up in Maine.

Whilst navigating the roads of New Hampshire, we came across the long stretch of pure autumn. It was so beautiful, I had to pull my camera out and catch this scenery. This photo is probably my favorite from the whole trip.

It makes me want to revisit New England, and get lost in New Hampshire all over again.


Loving quietly—a morning on the beach.